How To Deal With These Common Aches And Pains 2.jpg

If you ever found yourself stuck and in pain for an extended period of time because you didn’t know exactly what to do, then you’d wish you read this piece sooner. Stop just enduring the pain and learn how to approach them better next time!  


Migraine is not just a headache, it is often a combination of throbbing or pulsating sensation that is usually felt on one side of their head. The pain tends to get worse with movement and comes with other symptoms like nausea and vomiting and hyper sensitivity to light, sound, odor or even touch. If that doesn’t sound bad enough, you should know that a typical migraine attack can last between four and 72 hours.

If you have migraine, you know exactly how all these things feel like. So the best way to ease the pain is to pay attention to your trigger warnings and avoid the things that aggravates it. Once you feel it coming, find the best place for you to relax. Prepare things you may need and put them close to you like an ice pack or heating pad and/or medications you take so that they’re within your reach as you need them.


If it doesn’t go away after taking an OTC medication, it’s best to go to your dentist and get it checked. It could be tooth decay, cracked teeth, broken fillings, and gum disease that’s causing the pain so it’s better to have your dentist take care of it to avoid inflammation and possible infection.

Neck Pain

Sedentary lifestyle, jobs that involve repetitive motion, car accident, mobile phone addiction and wear and tear can all lead to chronic neck pain. While the root causes of your pain may dictate the suitable treatment for you, there are alternative treatments that you can use either to manage the pain or as a complementary treatment to speed up recovery. Just remember that before you try any of these, consult your primary health care provider first. You can try acupuncture. A regular massage session can definitely help with your neck pain since this kind of pain is often due to stress, overuse and misuse of muscles. While Yoga and Pilates helps align and lengthen the spine, as well as strengthen your core. As a result the pressure on the nerve around the neck area is likely to come off.

Back Pain

Your spine is made of intricate structure of strong bones, flexible ligaments and tendons, extensive muscles, and a highly sensitive spinal cord and nerve roots. For some reason, not many people think about their spine’s form and function until some form of pain starts to manifest. A lot of times, by simply paying attention and fixing your posture helps ease them in the long run. Practicing proper lifting technique helps too, while pain meds, hot/cold compress, and massages are good too for quick remedies.

Frozen Shoulder

The pain is usually worse at night, when you lie on that side. Simple, everyday tasks can be hard to do. Your shoulder becomes stiff to the point where you can't move it. Exercises and physical therapy can improve your range of motion.


Arthritis symptoms often include swelling, pain, stiffness, and limited motion which all tend to come and go. This is why a lot of people who suffer from this find it hard to manage the symptoms because not only that it can be debilitating but can also be sporadic. But what experts have found is that arthritis is usually the result of wear and tear or of inflammation triggered by your immune system. Although there isn’t a cure, you can still find a way to ease the pain and manage the symptoms by seeking your doctor’s help in finding out the best remedies that suit you.


There are a lot of reasons why you may be having a stomachache. But usually, it goes away after taking an OTC medicine for stomach ache. If it doesn’t and you’re experiencing other symptoms like vomiting blood, bloody stool, or that the pain is severe and has lasted for days, then it’s best to go to the hospital already if you can or call your doctor right away.


This pain in your leg, which is actually just a symptom of an underlying condition, is usually due to disc herniation, piriformis syndrome, trigger point referral, or trapped nerve. So, with all the possible causes of sciatica, the question is, how do you treat this kind of pain? Well, most experts would recommend seeking chiropractic care. If you do, a chiropractor will review your medical history and put you under a series of tests to confirm if you do suffer from sciatica. Once you get diagnosed, the chiropractor will recommend a combination of chiropractic adjustments, massage, and ice/cold therapy to help your body heal.

Carpal Tunnel Syndrome

Your wrist is very complicated. It is made up of small bones with each bone attached to ligaments, tendons, and muscles that allows the wrist to move freely. Now, that becomes difficult and even painful when you have carpal tunnel syndrome.

What you can do is rest. Sometimes it does get better with rest especially if you work non-stop. Avoid bending or twisting your wrists for a couple of weeks if you can, or take some time off work if your job involves a lot of repetitive wrists motions like typing all day. You may also find relief from yoga and physical therapy as well as medicines to reduce swelling and other symptoms.

Sore, Swollen Feet

If your job requires you to be on your feet all day or you walk a lot, then this is pretty much a daily struggle for you. To give your feet a break, rest as soon as you get home, put your feet up and relax. You can also ice them for 15-20 minutes at a time. But it would be better if you can wear compression socks or stockings and invest in shoes with good support. Sit when you can or at least stretch every hour so your feet can take breaks throughout the day.