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healthy lifestyle

Thank you everyone! "Best Chiropractor", "Top Rated Chiropractor", "Service Award"

Thank you everyone! "Best Chiropractor", "Top Rated Chiropractor", "Service Award"

Chiropractic Works has been awarded 2019 Patient Service Award Globally, Best Three Rated chiropractor in Orchard Singapore, as well as the Best Chiropractor in Singapore. We are so grateful for all our clients and look forward to seeing each and every person feeling great, playing big, and enjoying life without limits (and pain!)

Does cracking your back or knuckles cause arthritis? Is it bad?

Does cracking your back or knuckles cause arthritis? Is it bad?

Is it bad to crack your own neck, back or knuckles? Does it cause arthritis? What about thai massages, the barber or my friend who steps on my back? How's that any different to a chiropractor who 'cracks' my back? All the answers are here! 

6 Reasons Why Kids Need to See a Chiropractor

6 Reasons Why Kids Need to See a Chiropractor

Why Should Children Have Chiropractic Care?

Developing spines are susceptible to trauma from many childhood activities and games. These microtraumas can result in pressure on the spinal bones and nerves. What's worse is it may not be detected as pain or malfunction for years.

When Should Children See a Chiropractor?

  1. After birth: 

  2. Learning to crawl & walk: 

  3. Go to school: 

  4. ...

Simple Maths to see if Chiropractic is Worth its Weight in Gold

Simple Maths to see if Chiropractic is Worth its Weight in Gold

How much does chiropractic cost? Does it work? I heard it's expensive.

People want to know if they should invest in their health. Is it worth spending money on chiropractic?  You may have heard chiropractic is "not cheap". I wouldn't call it expensive. And I know that bargain hunting for great healthcare rarely ends well. So check out these three simple math equations to see if chiropractic is really value for money! 

Pain-Free Travel is Easy!

Pain-Free Travel is Easy!

Flying to your favourite destinations this festive season? Although you may be making you friends envious, your body is probably thinking “No!! Not another long flight, cramped leg space, dry skin, bland food and changes in time zones!”


You may have worked your game plan - a neck pillow, ear plugs, and an eye mask. And yet those stiff shoulders and neck or back pain still haunt you. Prolonged sitting and poor posture can cause plenty of discomfort, especially when you add on the pressure, humidity and cramped conditions of an air plain. If these poor posture habits are not changed, the discomforts will soon turn into pain, ruining your holiday plans. So what can you do to prevent the unnecessary suffering? Keep our handy ABC’s with you on your coming trip!

Game of Thrones: How to choose the best office chair, improve posture and relieve your aches and pains

What's the best office chair for back pain and neck aches? For something that we use every day for hours at a time, the office chair is often overlooked.

Those sitting their entire work day sitting put themselves at high-risk of back pain, neck pain and headaches, as well as chronic health conditions like diabetes and heart disease. Medical experts have started referring to long periods of inactivity and it’s negative consequences as “sitting disease”. 

Here's a brief excerpt from Chapter 25 of my book, discussing the 8 essential features of the best ergonomic office chair.

How to Choose your Foam Roller

How to Choose your Foam Roller

Which foam roller should I buy? Are the ones with spikes better? Are those expensive brands really better?

Foam rollers are fantastic self massage tools with many benefits. (You can read about 5 lesser known benefits here.) This massage is done by using body weight to apply pressure on your back, legs, arms, and areas and is great for all sorts of muscle aches and pains. It can also be used for stretching, mobility, strengthening and proprioceptive exercises.

5 Ways Foam Rollers Improve Your Health, Appearance and Performance

5 Ways Foam Rollers Improve Your Health, Appearance and Performance

There are many reasons why everyone should use and will benefit from using a foam roller. For one, it's versatility - to self massage, to stretch, to enhance your endurance, to build strength, to enhance stability and balance, to make you look great, and of course, get rid of those aches and pains!! It's essentially your personal masseuse and best workout buddy! You can read all about the benefits, and all the how-to's for self massage, stretching and even strengthening in my upcoming ebook “On a Roll - Feeling Great and Getting in Shape” launching soon.

Although foam rollers are mostly used by people who do extensive workouts, or by recommendation by chiropractors, physiotherapists and personal trainers, anyone can and should use them. I encourage everyone of my clients, whether an athlete, mother, uber driver, accountant or investment banker, to use foam rollers for one simple reason: To help loosen up the body’s muscles and decrease tension accumulated by our daily postural habits. (Yes, we all have tension!)

How do foam rollers relieve tension? What are the benefits of using one? Why should we all be using them?

Is your body a Formula 1 car or a Second-hand sedan?

Is your body a Formula 1 car or a Second-hand sedan?

Do you consider yourself a performance vehicle? Or a second hand sedan? 

Imagine a typical day: Not enough sleep, hectic schedules, poor posture, work stress, difficult clients, office politics, deadlines, overtime, poor food choices, not enough water, chores, looking after kids, cooking, cleaning, ironing, exercise.... which version of you would handle that better? The well-tuned F1 race car, or a second hand sedan?