Tips To Help You Fall Asleep Faster At Night-Recovered.jpg

With the increasing demands of life these days, more and more people are having trouble with sleep. Aside from the fact that the hectic everyday schedule of most individuals is making us sleep late and wake up early just to catch up on things, we also don’t get the most out of the little time we manage to hit the sack. Wonder why when it seems easy to nod off when we’re tired? Well, a lot of things from poor sleeping environment, back problems, sleeping disorders, distractions, and even eating too close to bedtime or drinking coffee affect our body’s ability to fall asleep right away much less get a deep sleep. But don’t just give up and accept that! Here are some tips that you may not have tried before and can help you fall asleep faster every night.  

Get Out Of Bed

You don’t want to condition your mind and body into lying awake in bed. So if you find yourself unable to sleep after trying for about 15 or 20 minutes, get up and leave the bedroom. Do something relaxing and non-stimulating for you to feel sleepy and then try to go back to bed. This way, you’re training your body and mind that it’s sleep time when you’re on the bed.

Practice Yoga Or Meditate

The slow, mindful movements of yoga ease muscle tension and stress, which are very helpful when it comes to maintaining a healthy overall well-being. This mind-body practice is also effective for improving sleep, which can lead to a decrease in headaches and all kinds of stress. You can also go for meditation, but you don’t have to sit on a tuffet or slip on Lululemon to come home to yourself. But it can be as simple as touching an item that relaxes you, sipping a cup of herbal tea, or holding a crystal in your hand too. The key is to return to your ritual whenever you feel disconnected or shaky which keeps you from falling asleep.

Do Other Relaxation Technique That Works For You

If yoga or meditation isn’t for you, find a relaxation technique that suits you better. It could be listening to a calming tune or lighting a scented candle that you find soothing, basically anything that keeps you mind and body away from thinking that you can’t sleep. The idea is to get your mind and body in the mood for sleep without stressing about it because that just defeats the purpose of these relaxation techniques, wouldn’t it?

Train Your Brain To Not Think About Things That Worry You At Bedtime

Do you have this habit of letting your mind wander and ponder as soon as you hit the sack? For some reason, the comfort of the bed combined with the quietness of the room makes your thoughts sound louder? Well, if you want to get in the habit of falling asleep early every night you have to quit that or at least make a compromise to yourself to only allow such thoughts during the day. This will allow you to still process your thoughts and emotions without it getting in the way of your resting.

Don’t Watch The Clock

Another thing that makes it difficult for you to fall asleep is watching the clock and then nagging yourself that you’re still up when you should already be out cold. And then comes the classic fussing about how many hours you have left until you should be up for work? All that anxiety isn’t helping you get any proper sleep you know. This is why it’s even highly suggested by experts to get rid of the clock in your room if you have these tendencies.  

Medicate With Caution

There are times when no relaxation technique will work. Sometimes sleeping pills really is the answer but you should take them with caution and most especially never rely on them all the time. Just because you know there’s a pill available doesn’t mean you just throw your sleeping ritual out the window and everything else that you practice to fall asleep faster and better. This should only be your last resort and remember not to take them to close to morning because you don’t want to feel groggy when you’re supposed to be wide awake.

Develop A Sleep Ritual

Do you often find yourself having a hard time falling asleep? That’s because you rely on feeling sleepy instead of making your body recognize that it’s time to sleep. You can do that by creating a sleep ritual. This means preparing not just your body but your brain to sleep so that you don’t toss and turn all night. The first thing is to sleep at the same time every day, before the allotted sleeping time make sure you don’t eat anything heavy or drink anything caffeinated. Block out light from outside your window, set your bedroom temperature to a maximum of 69 degrees F   and don’t watch TV or browse through your phone. It also helps if you invest in a good mattress, sheets and pillows to create optimal sleeping environment.


Consider A Consultation

Lack of sleep isn’t something to be overlooked. It’s important for everyone to get sleep and wake up well rested because when you do, you feel better, look better, and work better. However, the problem is that more and more people are having a hard time getting proper shut eye which not only lead to poor performance but as well as health issues like diabetes, high blood pressure, memory problems, weight gain, headaches, impotence and an impaired immune system.

Good thing some people have started to discover chiropractic care. They’ve found how it greatly helps them with their sleep troubles.  Chiropractic adjustment relaxes your body, corrects misalignments that disturb body and brain communication causing unbalance in your body and affects sleep, helps relieve pain and teaches proper sleeping position. All of these can help you achieve quality sleep better than any sleeping pills out there. If you’re now thinking about chiropractic care, there are a lot of chiropractors in Singapore that can help you understand how it works and how it can help you specifically.